Why you should hire a lawyer after a car accident that wasn't your fault

A car accident can be one of the scariest moments in a person’s life. However, what happens after is often just as scary. A car accident is a nightmare situation that can follow you around for months or even years..

You may be thinking, “If the accident wasn’t my fault, I won’t need a lawyer! Right?”

Wrong! Although you weren’t at fault, if you were involved in a serious car accident, there are still lengthy legal processes that will need to take place. And that’s where a good lawyer will come into play.

Here are some reasons you should consider getting a lawyer if you’re involved in a car accident, no matter who was at fault.

We understand the legal process

Knowing where to file with insurance and knowing what comes next in the legal process can be complicated. One small mistake could have your entire claim thrown out.

Hiring a lawyer to handle your case will help avoid any legal errors that can get in the way of you getting the compensation you deserve. Don’t leave money on the table just because you didn’t know what to do next!

Insurance companies are going to put you through the wringer

If you’ve only ever dealt with minor fender benders, you may have had some positive and easy interactions with insurance companies. The problem only comes when you have a case that has a higher possible payout.

Keep in mind, an insurance company is a business. They run on profit and they don’t want to give those profits away to you. Insurance companies tend to make it incredibly difficult for you to get the payout you deserve for your case, no matter who was at fault.

An experienced lawyer knows every trick that an insurance company is going to throw at you and we know how to counter them.

Maximum payout

As mentioned before, lawyers know the tricks that insurance companies are going to throw at you to prevent you from getting your full dollar amount owed.

These companies are hoping that you’ll get so sick of the back and forth that you’ll give up. Having a lawyer means having an advocate who is ready to fight for as long as it takes to get you the payment you need.

Take care of your mental health first!

If a car accident is major enough, it can cause serious problems for you. The stress of medical issues, car issues, and PTSD can be a huge burden for you and your family.

Compounding this with having to deal directly with fixing each of those issues yourself, the whole situation can take a huge toll on your mental health. After a car accident, your only priority should be on healing your body and mind.

Think of yourself and your family first. Hire a lawyer who can help you circumnavigate the brunt of the hard work that follows a car accident.

With major benefits and a few downsides, hiring a lawyer can be the easiest choice you make after you’ve been in a car accident.

While we hope that you’ll never need us, we hope that the next time you’re in a wreck you remember David Hands & Hands Law! You can contact us at 704-248-7976 to figure out your next steps.

Please contact Hands Law Firm at (704) 248-7976

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